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Any updates?


Nope sadly not yet, still in the process of gathering enough self esteem to actually stick to an actual plot that's actually feasible. Also fleshing out characters and personalities. Also character designs... gods... character designs...

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Yeap I'm still alive XD

but yeah I kinda hit a roadblock on the plot and am thinking of redoing the whole thing coz I wasn't satisfied with all the fillers I have and realized it's really hard to read.

I've been workshoping things out a lot especially the art and game name since I couldn't make something more... Consistent. And I wanna give Torent a nice belly... I am invested in that idea and I will go through great lengths to achieve a nice smooth and fluffy belly. I wanna draw something with a knead-able feel and less complicated since I am inconsistent af and wanna have more emotes with more complex expressions... And fluff... Fokken tones of it.

So yeah, sorry gonna have to delay a little bit more... Guessing by the end of the year I think...

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I really hope there will be more to enjoy. The start is really solid and exciting.


This is pretty promising!


Quando chegar a próxima atualização 🐂


Still in the works just too busy and stressed at the moment :|

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when will be ubdate


Still in the works but is slow coz of stress and busy


The android download file is set as a rar file. That doesnt work for android normally. You need a seperate program to even open rar files usually on android. If it was an apk file it would install without that.


i hope you do well then! i'll be sure to do an Update of your game as soon as the Updates done! so good luck and try not to burn out again~ ;)


What about October??

I am so sorry for the late reply! I didn't get to check my account this month but yeah sadly the next update is gonna have to go up in November because I got stuck at sprite and background creation :/

And not gonna lie it's kinda hard to think of ways to make the story more cohesive with each choice given and I really do want to give more choices but I'm struggling at that so much it's making my brain overheat XD

But yeah still working hard on this and trying to give more quality instead of quantity... Also to avoid early horny. >:3

i hope the ubdate will be soon and i hope i will be able to have sex with them

Anything on September?


Working on the update now but can't really tell coz I don't want to jinx it XD

ubdate ?


Sorry bud no update for July and August due to the fact that my schedule is in ruins at the moment and also my laptop finally gave up and I absolutely have no money to get new parts or get a new one for a while. However, I'm just currently using my sister's computer to get at least a few things done, but it's also slow since my sister has work online and the computer isn't in the best private space.

This year just hates me. The only good thing for me now is the constant rains and the not so hot days... for some weird reason. :/


Good luck bud 👊 hopefully luck hits you this month at least 🙏 The game is so good even though it's still on going the arts so good wish you the best 😉


You are a poet, my friend. (I know… We aren’t actually friends.) As far from how I review VN’s this one… Doesn’t need a complicated one. So I will speak my mind a bit.

The story is interesting, and finally I understand why Isekai was included in the tags. They lived in a world that had magic… something not normal for us, but for them. After that, they traveled to another one. That’s all I will say.

The starting of the story is intriguing, the character or Main character. It is revealed slowly to a good rhythm, nothing feels rushed. For the other Characters, the bovine and the woven, both are interesting dynamic. I hope that the relation that blooms is slow, and comforting.

But please, ArgonSol if you are reading. Do not try to please everyone. Keep the essence of the ground you build up. Do not change completely the path that you want for other people. But, keep in mind constructive criticism, and help from others.

Thank you for the very kind words and personally I made this VN for myself to learn new things and experiences so I'd definitely be happy if at least a few people were happy with outcome.


Great stuff so far, hope to see this being continued!


omg i love this game plz  do more ubdates



Short but heckin good already, keep it up, :D


Have you ever thought about making a Patreon cause I would support you? 

XD yes I have considered it but I have to wait for now to ensure that I myself am fully ready to take in the responsibility of owning a Patreon and not just half-ass it... That and a stronger computer XD


Just letting you know the android build doesnt work for android because the file type. Unless someone used an app to simulate a computer the android build can't be unpacked by them

Hu? It's fine on my side though...

But it might have been because I put it inside a zip file so you might need to unpack the zip first before you could install it 

(2 edits)

It is in a .rar file, and there is no way for android to normally unpack those without an app meant for it specifically. It tries to bring me to the Google play store to find one to open it even. If it was just a normal zip file I could open it though without needing an outside app


Wops my bad! I accidentally uploaded the rar file instead of the zip one <:0 >:(

I'll upload the zip one asap!

I swear I make so many mistakes even though I try to triple check everything 😅

Well, it still downloads a rar file. The characters are charming BTW!

Lol no problem. So long as it ends up having the right file uploaded


That sexy white wolf caught my attention. I hope he's another love interest


I hope you'll recover as soon as your body allows and then be able to let your "creative juices" flow into this project again.
It looks very promising and beautiful and definitely look extremely promising, i.m.h.o.

And since you mention, that it's gonna be NSFW, I can't wait for my first rump with either one of the sexy Gods - expert level would be both lol - and see what "gifts" their "essences" will bestow upon my character.

'Love the concept and looking forward to Updates - after you have recovered and are hopefully safe and sound enough to enjoy what you love to do again.


Woah, these screenshots look really interesting and this character is so hot OwO, I will follow you for more updates from this VN ^w^


Just found out this game! And it looks good 🤍get well soon and can't wait for the next update

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ahh, theres no sprite for the other guy yeh? Ze sayop diay ko... My bad i thought he didnt had a sprite lmao


Just downloaded this, Might play later because i'm finding some vn's to play rn. I'll let ya know what i think of it :D


Health comes first dude so please take some long breaks,don't hurt yourself.I really hope you feel better soon 👌.


How are things going with the hiatus?


I just recovered last two weeks ago and am out of meds since last week. But due to prolonged hiatus from my computer all together, I've started to get a little rusty with the writing  and scripting so the update is gonna be slow for now but I expect it to be done before the end of this month.

I need time to assess my writing thoroughly for plot purposes... that and to avoid just making some lame jokes in there... also need to stop reading isekai mangas when I'm under meds coz wtf I almost put in the cliche "Oh i'm really OP" stuff in it and published it.


That is still even greater news than I was expecting, and I can't wait to see the next update when it comes out!

Will there be an update soon?


Still working on the part coz I keep redoing certain stuff and it should be good by next week but can't promise coz there's still a lot that needs fixing IRL


This update was pretty short, yet still intriuging, I await the next one with much excitment 


What's new in the newest update? Devlog, please?


Oof! Sorry about that I accidentally didn't check the "publish" box and it didn't pop up, also put in the android version :3

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Who's the sexy white wolf? He seems to have a mean air/attitude to him, will he be a romance interest?

XD I knew I put too much detail into him but no I'm afraid he is not for reasons in the next update. Although he might or might not be the occasional tease throughout the story :3

Will Torent have a romance route?


Yep he's the 1st one I'm developing at the moment


Really enjoyed his build, I think this game has lots of potential and I look forward to seeing it grow!

Really good introduction, it left me quite intrigued. Although, it got a little too wordy with the descriptions for my taste, still really good! Will be keeping an eye out for future updates.

One question: will the MC have a canonical  name?


That... I have not decided yet XD


I see, I just know some people dont like naming the character as themselves or prefer the cannonical name (like myself). Still, amazing job :) I hope your project goes far.

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Short first build but very interesting so far, I like the somber start of the game really pulls me into the story. One thing though each time Torent expression changes he disappear then reappear, I don't know much about Renpy but I'm sure tweaking that wouldn't be very difficult, also the name of the game is kinda weird, To THE lonely A home isn't exactly grammar correct but if it's intentional then I don't really care.


Yass I did something right XD

Also I fixed the Fading in and out issue, (I just misplaced the lines)

And the title is actually "To the lonely, a home" It's more like a declaration rather than a title so it will be oddly toned to most people when they hear it for the first time, but as the game progresses it should shed some light into that later on :3


"To the lonely a home" is perfectly grammatically correct, and not a single one of your sentences in this post is grammatically correct.


English is my second language, so I'm sorry? I just thought the title sounds a bit weird

Is this VN going to be linear or nonlinear?


Nonlinear as there will be options later but Torent will be the first encounter that leads to other encounters :3


I'm so excited about the future of this visual novel. 😍🔥🔥🏃🏽‍♂️


I applaud what little you have done, it already speaks volumes, with the amount of care and detail!  There is not much to go off of yet, but I already feel quite immersed.


Thank you and I'll keep at it making sure to keep in mind to have most of the dialogue more understandable and easier to read without sacrificing the feels

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Looks promising, art is quite good too! Though this project needs better proof-reading, and I'd suggest tying to look for a proof-reader (or beta-reader) that speaks and writes English at a native level, if possible. I don't think I need to add anything else, as the comment below summarizes the areas to improve quite well. Keep up the good work, and please try to improve the areas mentioned below. :)


Thank you and yes I am working on it, also you're reading the alpha as it is not even V1.0 yet XD

But I'm fairly certain of my skills in English though I might need to warm up a little bit more to get to a good rhythm of consistency and clerity in writing again since I stopped writing about 3 or 4 years ago. So... Yeah... I forgot most of my skills, tee hee!

My specialty is in American accents and people could never really tell that they're not talking to a native speaker but I don't like the accent much because it's... Let's say restricting when it comes to more emotional stuff as the dialect specializes more in "telling" than showing. 


Hey, I noticed you wrote that you were interested in constructive criticism in the end-notes, so I jotted down some thoughts about the text. (See pastebin link). I scribbled my feedback pretty quickly, so there's some misspellings and such, but I hope you understand the intent behind my feedback.

Good luck with the continuation of the story. :)

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Woo! Yes! Thank you for the generous feedback!

I'm glad that you made time to analized my writing very carefully and to clarify some of your questions, 

In my country Michael is actually sometimes used as names for females and is pronounced as Meeka-el and the male version is Mikel

And yeap I knew someone would get lost in my wordings as I am mainly influenced by much older texts and odd vocabulary, but there is a reason why the timing and memory isn't chronological as you would likely see in future updates. :3

But I do agree on most parts as I tend to make clunky writing. 

And don't worry, as I am vigorously working on improving it and getting back my previous skills since I stopped writing nearly 4 years ago due to work and generally experiencing my first years of being an adult and out of school. That or the toxic work :/

Also I'll be applying some of your feedback asap like the spelling and thank you for giving me a new name for one of the races! XD

I shall call them the "Borne" short for werebear :3

Thanks in partnership with Microsoft word's autocorrect! Lol


I think I liked it, I can't wait for the release to enjoy more🥰🤎🤎

It doesnt want to download at all....pls fix looks sooo goood!

Which one are you trying to download? I've checked on my end and it seems to be fine


Huh that's odd I have 2 devices that has windows and they don't have any issues perhaps try using a different browser or download it through another device like a smartphone then copy it onto the computer 

Probably the itch app...I'll try the browser 




So, what do you think? :3

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